Strangers & Saints downtown provincetown intimate wedding venue and with lesbian same sex brides β€” Cape Cod and Boston area Documentary Wedding Photographer

Dev and Melanie are both incredibly sweet and beautiful friends of mine. I’d post every photo from this wedding If I could because we share so many great friends together. Melanie had this idea where I would photograph the wedding but then party as a guest the second half of itβ€”but that part is captured in fun and blurry iPhone photos. Strangers & Saints set the tone for an intimate and sunny ceremony and surprisingly didn’t run out of cocktails all night. Oh, Provincetown we all love you, the world loves you, you the best. Enjoy.

Also big thanks to The Waterford Inn right behind Spindlers for the hospitality, awesome rooms, great food and coffee.

Here is their bombostic engagement session in the cool area of the Boston Seaport :)
